M&E contracts delivered on time without hassle!

M&E contracts delivered on time without hassle!

You want a high quality installation, delivered on time. You want a reliable, honest Fire & Security installation company to do that work. And you want a commitment to health and safety on site.

When you employ RDS, this is what you get. High quality work. Deadlines met. No hassle.

It starts with a system design, spec and technical submission list. You?ll get everything you need in one simple package. Delivered to you, promptly.

We make your life easier, so you come to us again and again?

Contacting us is easy, through our website: https://www.rdsfireandsecurity.co.uk/mechanical-and-electrical-services-sub-contractors

By email info@rdsfireandsecurity.co.uk
By phone Office: 0800 368 9091

Buying a Business CCTV System

Buying a Business CCTV System

5 stages to success for businesses buying a CCTV system.

There?s a wealth of information online for businesses researching CCTV for their premises, maybe too much!
???? 1. So where do you start?
? 2. What information is accurate?
???? 3. Can you trust the source?
A lot goes into ensuring your system achieves your operational requirement, which is why its important to educate yourself.
? 4. Spot the cowboys and uneducated and avoid them.
? 5. Choose an installer who will guide you through the process.
? We will connect you with the right information for FREE. Just get in touch any way you like with your details and brief info on your project and we will send you a toolkit of information to guide you through.



RDS Fire & Security – part of your team

RDS Fire & Security – part of your team

Here’s a recent image of us carrying out a small works job for CBRE.
A camera was hanging by its cable on one of their clients’ sites and we were called to repair and re commision.
What you may notice is that we have CBRE vests on so we can be identified as a part of their team when on their sites. It’s details like this that demonstrate our partnership ethos.

